- February 2025 - With the new year beginning, we are welcoming our visiting students Gabriel Moronari from UNICAMP, Brazil, and Swantje Funk from Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany!
- December 2024 - Time to say goodbye! All the best to Dr. Nan Liu for her future endeavors.
- November 2024 - Looking for a straightforward surface modification that renders Ln-NPs less toxic? Check out our most recent publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B by Hana and our collaborators from the NRC and the Mennigen Lab! Congrats, Hana et al!
- 17 October 2024 - Group Outing at Ottawa Greenbelt: A beautiful autumn day in the woods! And some more photos here.
- December 2024 - Time to say goodbye! All the best to Dr. Nan Liu for her future endeavors.
- November 2024 - Looking for a straightforward surface modification that renders Ln-NPs less toxic? Check out our most recent publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B by Hana and our collaborators from the NRC and the Mennigen Lab! Congrats, Hana et al!
- 17 October 2024 - Group Outing at Ottawa Greenbelt: A beautiful autumn day in the woods! And some more photos here.
- October 2024 - Welcome to the group's new postdoc, Dr. Mohammadreza Khodabakhsh, who joined our project with NRC on novel NIR-emitting nanothermometers!
- 19.09.2024 - Congratulations, Nan, for the successful defense of your PhD thesis! Well done! - - We also introduced the "German Doctor Hat" to the group! :-)
- August 2024 - Congratulations to Hudson A. Bicalho and team from the Howarth Lab (Concordia University) for their paper on lanthanide-based MOFs. Thanks for including us in this study, now online at Chemistry A European Journal!
- 21 June 2024 - Jeremy Doucette, étudiant diplômé, parle à Radio Canada de notre projet avec les Dr Nicolas Bordenave, Maria DeRosa et Riadh Hammami. Entendre parler des nanoparticules dopées au lanthanide (ainsi que des biscuits et des chocolats !) pour des applications biomédicales: "La recherche : La modification de surface des nanomatériaux aux lanthanides" (
- April 2024 - What happens if we make Ln-NPs very small and dope them with a single Er3+ ion? Can the Murugesu-Lab observe single-molecular-magnet-like behavior? They can! Collaborative work with Drs. M. Murugesu, J. Moilanen, and X. Li just published in Nature Communications! Congrats to the team!
- April 2024 - At UPCON 2024, we learn about all the amazing properties and application potential of UCNPs. How about their synthesis? Read more in Christian's, Nan's and Helliomar's chapter just published in the Handbook of the Physics and Chemistry of the Rare Earth.
- April 2024 - The group attends UPCON 2024 in Montreal! So much recent progress in UCNPs! Plus a total eclipse - Amazing meeting!
- April 2024 - Abbie's and Nan's Mini-Review on lanthanide-based NIR nanothermometers has been accepted for publication in Nanoscale! Congrats!
- March 2024 - The lab has reason to celebrate: Eva has been recognized with the uOttawa Early Career Researcher Award! Very grateful for this recognition, particularly to all supporters, mentors, collaborators, colleagues, friends, and - very important! - current and past group members making our research possible. Cheers to them!
- March 2024 - Abbie's first paper is now published in ACS Materials Letters, telling the story of her Master's thesis. Read more here about the forgotten lanthanide Praseodymium and its thermal sensing capabilities. Congrats, Abbie and Nan!
- February 2024 - Welcome to visiting research student Régis Peeters who joins us from Belgium!
- Happy New Year! For the lab, 2024 started well: Christian's and Emilie's paper on UCNP-based inks in collaboration with Optech has been accepted and is now online. Congrats to the authors!
- November 2023 - Congrats to PhD candidate Nan and postdoc Christian for having their work on upconverting Dy-based nanoparticles with additional magnetic T2 and CT imaging capabilities published in Nanoscale!
- September 2023 - Back to school! While we sadly say goodbye to visiting student Manuela, we are excited to welcome a whole group of new people to our team! Welcome, Lucas, Jessica, Ryan, Connor and Jeremy!
- May 2023 - Time to say Goodbye and Hello: Congrats to Sabrina and Connor for successfully completing their Honour's thesis! All the best for your future! Welcome to summer students Coline Charrier and Kaitlin Thompson from Rennes (France) and Ottawa!
- April 2023 - We are very happy about the renewal of NSERC funding (Discovery Grant) to support the next 5 years of our research. Thankful to group members, supporters, reviewers, and NSERC!
- January 2023 - Happy New Year! And welcome to undergraduate students Ghazal Al Saleh and Akash Dahiya who were awarded a UROP scholarship.
- December 2022 - Eva was awarded the Faculty of Science Early Career Award 2022. Thanks a lot to a great team, collaborators and supporters!
- 6 October 2022 - Welcome to our newest group member, Dr. Helliomar Barbosa, who joined the team as a postdoc to work on aptamer-modified lanthanide-doped nanoparticles. Time for a fall lunch picnic with the group!
- 6 September 2022 - Excited to start the Fall Term 2022! Great to see so many students back on campus, including our new group members: Sabrina and Connor just kicked of their Honour's Thesis Projects, while high school student Ryan and physics undergrad Trinity take the opportunity to learn about lanthanide materials and optics. Welcome, everyone!
- August 2022 - Eva was nominated uOttawa University Research Chair in Materials Chemistry. Feeling very honoured and grateful!
- 21 July 2022 - Time for our summer retreat! Pictures say more than a thousand words... check them out here.
- June-July 2022 - We had a great time when Kevin Soro and Dr. Loic Charbonnière from Université Strasbourg visited our lab! Thanks to FCRF for the support of this collaboration.
- 15 June 2022 - Time of change: While we are sad that Deepika left the team, we are welcoming our newest group members: Postdoc Christian as well as summer volunteers Gabrielle and Alexandre!
- 12 May 2022 - Our paper on Phytoglycogen Encapsulation of Lanthanide-Based Nanoparticles as an Optical Imaging Platform with Therapeutic Potential is finally online at Small. Congrats to everyone involved!
- 31 March 2022 - The HemmerLab receives funding by NFRF to unveil microbiota interplay with the gut-brain axis using opto-magnetic nanoprobes in collaboration with Dr. N. Bordenave, Dr. M. DeRosa, Dr. R. Hammami, Dr. A. Shuhendler, and Dr. E. Tsai. We are very grateful to NFRF and the referees for this opportunity!
- 17 February 2022 - Congrats to Emille for the publication of her Trends Article on Hyperspectral Imaging. Fresh out the press at Anal Bioanal Chem.
- 11 February 2022 - We are celebrating the International Day of Girls and Women in Science with croissants and a new group picture. Cheers to all female scientists!
- 07 February 2022 - The HemmerLab welcomes visiting researchers Chris Conrad (Mitacs Globalink Graduate Student from Germany) and Dr. Deepika Jamwal (Shastri Postdoctoral Fellow from India)!
- 06 January 2022 - Excited to see the results of collaborative work on upconversion quantum yield published in Nanoscale.
- 05 January 2022 - Happy New Year! And congrats to Riccardo Marin et al. for our first 2022 publication in collaboration with Prof. Muralee Murugesu: Luminescence thermometry using sprayed films of metal complexes.
- 15 October 2021 - Congrats to Nan and Jessica for having their paper on microwave-assisted synthesis of NaMnF3 accepted for publication in ChemComm! Also great to see this work as our first collaboration with my colleague Prof. Nicolas Bordenave.
- 7 October 2021 - Happy to welcome our newest lab member: PhD candidate Hana Mirmajidi!
- 7 September 2021 - The HemmerLab is excited to start the fall term welcoming our new group members Anne-Pascale Murebwayire and Abigale Puccini. We wish you all the best for your Honour's and Master's projects!
- August 2021 - HemmerLab Group Picnic before the start of the Fall term: Wonderful to finally be able to see everyone in person!
- 4 May 2021 - Welcome to Laura Kelly, RISE Summer Exchange Student
- 1 May 2021 - Sinedu Dejene is starting her PhD studies at the Hemmerlab in collaboration with the Lessard Research Group. Best wishes for your studies, Sinedu!
- 30 April 2021 - Congratulations to Jessica, Julia, Justin and Natalie for having successfully finished their Honour's projects! Well done and best wishes for your future endeavours.
- 08 April 2021 - Nikita's paper on hyperspectral imaging and optical trapping in collaboration with nanoBIG (Madrid, Spain) is now online at Advanced Optical Materials. Congrats, everyone!
- January 2021 - Happy New Year! The HemmerLab welcomes Julia Bernard, Justin Crawford-Corriveau, and Natalie Millan to do their Honour's project with us!
- November 2020 - Congratulations to Luciana for being selected to participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program!
- Ready for the 2020 Fall Term? We are looking forward to meeting our new group members: Undergraduate volunteers Nihar and Luciana, Honour's student Jessica, and Master student Mike. Welcome to the HemmerLab!
- End of August 2020 - The new term is about to start with good news: Congratulations, Nan, for having won a PhD scholarship by the Chinese Scholarship Council!
- June 2020 - Happy to see our collaborators' paper on light scattering effects on quantum yield of upconverters (including particles by Nikita Panov) being accepted for publication.
- 31 May 2020 - Congratulations to Nan for having received an Oral Presentation Prize at CEMWOQ 6.5!
- 14 May 2020 - Congratulations to Nikita for having successfully defended his Master's Thesis. Well done!
- May 2020 - Congratulations to Nick, Parrish, Tina and Virginna for having successfully finished their Honour's projects! Well done and best wishes for your future endeavours.
- 20 April 2020 - Congrats to honour's and PhD students as well as postdocs who worked hard towards our newest publication! Maybe rare-earth based fluoride nanoparticles are not as stable as we thought? Mind a possible NaFeF4-to-REF3 phase transformation!
- 14 April 2020 - Our video article on Hyperspectral Imaging with Photon Etc is now online. Well done, Emille and Nelson!
- March 2020 - Our QuantaMaster Spectrofluorometer is up and running! While being in home office for now, we are looking forward to get back to the lab after the virus crisis to play with our new instrument.
- 06 February 2020 - Congratulations, Ilias, for a successfully defended Master's Thesis!
- January 2020 - Happy New Year! And a very warm welcome to volunteer Amanda and Honour's student Virginna.
- 16 November 2019 - Congrats, Ilias, Emille and Co, for your just accepted paper in J. Mater. Chem. C. Pick your precursor!
- 31 October 2019 - Nan defended her Master's thesis. Congratulations!
- 1 September 2019 - The HemmerLab welcomes our new Honours Students Nicholas, Parrish and Tina, as well as Master's Student Fathi!
- 27 August 2019 - The RISE summer ended with a wonderful RISE 2019 Meeting at the University of Ottawa. For more about RISE, check out here.
- 29 May 2019 - The story on luminescent nanomagnets contiues here: Thankful to be part of this collaboration on SMM optical thermometers.
- 22 May 2019 - Result of joint efforts among collaborators from the magnetic and optical fields: Our paper reporting a Luminescent Thermometer Exhibiting Slow Relaxation of the Magnetization is online.
- 14 May 2019 - Welcome to MITACS summer student Nabojit from the Indian Research Institute of Science and Education in Kolkata.
- May 2019 - Eva's and Loic Charbonnière's (CNRS, Strasbourg, France) project on upconversion receives support by the France-Canada Research Fund, including a doctoral contract by the French Ministère de la Recherche.
- 5 May 2019 - Nikita takes off to Spain for a MITACS summer internship at the group of Prof. Haro, Universidad Autónomo de Madrid. Good luck for your experiments!
- 01 May 2019 - Welcome to our RISE exchange student Manjot from McMaster, who also obtained an NSERC-USRA!
- 01 May 2019 - Welcome to our summer volunteers Tina and Nelson!
- 30 April 2019 - It was fun to talk at the 2019 Spring New Professor Lecture Series of the Faculty of Science at the uOttawa and to get an opportunity to exchange with colleagues from Biology and Physics!
- 29 April 2019 - Congratulations to all Honours students - Emma, Faduma, Itzel and Nathaniel - for having successfully defended their Honours Thesis! Best wishes for your future studies!
- 9 April 2019 - Farewell party for postdoc Riccardo: one and a half years of exciting science just flew by. The HemmerLab wishes you all the best for your Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Madrid!
- 3 April 2019 - Farewell party for our visitor Isabel: it was great having you visiting the lab! Wishing you all the best!
- 18 March 2019 - Congratulations to our Master's student Nan for having her paper on NaGdF4-based MRI contrast agents accepted for publication in Nanoscale.
- 07 March 2019 - A very warm welcome to our postdoc Dr. Emille Rodrigues!
- 05 March 2019 - Excited to see the first outcome of our Canada-Sweden collaboration: our just accepted paper by Riccardo, Fadi et al!
- 19 February 2019 - The HemmerLab welcomes Dr. Nicholas Obitte, visiting postdoc from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka!
- 01 February 2019 - The HemmerLab welcomes Dr. Isabel Gessner, visiting postdoc from the University of Cologne, Germany!
- 11 January 2019 - When lanthanide-based materials meet lanthanide-based molecules, this is the outcome: our just accepted paper by Riccardo, Ilias et al!
- January 2019 - Happy New Year to everyone! And a warm Welcome to our new Honours Students Itzel and Nathaniel!
- Inorganic Discussion Weekend 2019 - Congrats to Nikita for winning the 3rd place for his oral presentation on "Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Upconverting and Downshifting Rare-Earth Doped LiYF4 Microparticles"
- November 2018 - Welcome to our UROP student Yifei!
- November 2018 - Our grad student Nikita's and postdoc Riccardo's paper is online! Read more about upconverting and downshifting LiYF4 microparticles...
- October 2018 - The HemmerLab welcomes visiting student Camille from ENCPB, Paris!
- September 2018 - Welcome back to school! A special Welcome to our new Honours Student Emma and Welcome Back to Faduma who just starting her Honours Project and Fadi who joined the team of Master Students!
- 1 May 2018 - Welcome to our newest group members, RISE summer student Steven and summer volunteer Faduma!
- April 2018 - Our first paper is online! Read more about Optical Anisotropy and Polymorph‐Dependent Photoluminescence in [Ln2] Complexes...
- April 2018 - Nikita Panov was awarded an Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2018-2019. Congratulations, Nikita!
- March 2018 - Dr. Ute Resch-Genger (Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing, Berlin, Germany) and Dr. Hemmer were awarded the uOttawa Visiting Research Program - the group is looking forward to host Dr. Resch-Genger in Fall 2018!
- 1 November 2017 - The group is welcoming our new postdoc Riccardo Marin!
- September 2017 - The group is growing. Welcome to graduate students Ilias, Nan and Nikita!
- May 2017 - Volunteer Joelle Machaalani joined the lab. Welcome, Joelle!
- 13 April 2017 - our VIS-NIR Confocal Hyperpectral Imager has been installed! Read more about its features...
- April 2017 - Yacine Mazouzi from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) joined the lab for the next five months. Welcome, Yacine!
- March 2017 - Our review paper is online: "Optical Nanoprobes for Biomedical Applications: Shining a Light on Upconverting and Near-Infrared Emitting Nanoparticles for Imaging, Thermal Sensing, and Photodynamic Therapy", J. Mater. Chem. B, read more...
- November 2016 - Congratulations to Jamal Al-Refaee, Nathaniel Leslie, Brad Martire and Qing Qing Zhao for their UROP Awards.
- October 2016 - Volunteering student Fadi Oussta joined the team. Welcome to the lab!
- October 2016 - Congratulations to Alex Therien! 2nd Prize for the presentation of "My Project in 180 Seconds" at the 28e Colloque de Chimie de l'Université de Sherbrooke!
- September 2016 - Volunteering student Qing Qing Zhao and Honours student Jeffry Colin joined the team. Welcome to the lab!
- May 2016 - Volunteering students Nathaniel Leslie and Fozia Nur joined the team. Welcome to the lab!
- May 2016 - COOP summer students Rayan Ghadieh and Alexander Therien will join the team. Welcome to the lab!
- 15 March 2016 - The Hemmer Research Lab was awarded CFI funding. See press release for more details.
- 12 March 2016 - The website goes online!
- 10 March 2016 - The Discover Microwave Reactor has arrived! The lab starts to get set-up.